
  1. All members must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual identity.
  2. Ensure the Club facilities are safe and tidy. Potential hazards should be reported to a member of the committee.
  3. Abusive language or behaviour, or abuse of equipment is not acceptable.
  4. Smoking or the consumption of alcohol or drugs is not allowed on the Club premises.
  5. Members must pay any fees for training or events promptly.
  6. Members must wear suitable non-marking footwear i.e. trainers for safety reasons and to avoid court damage.


The Parent / Guardian

  1. Outside coaching sessions, junior members remain parents’ responsibility safety & welfare – not the Club.
  2. Support your child’s enjoyment of sport, helping them to recognise good performance not just results.
  3. Ensure your child travels safely to and from the club, arriving in good time and leaving promptly afterwards.
  4. Ensure your child has appropriate clothing for the weather conditions.
  5. Allow the coach to run their programme free from external pressures or influences.
  6. Behave in a manner that sets a positive example for others.
  7. Respect all officials, players and the coach – behave towards them in the way you would expect to be treated.
  8. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the Club or coach of any changes to circumstances.
    This includes: – medical (including injuries), photo consent and personal circumstances etc.



  1. Juniors under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
  2. Play fairly and honestly.
  3. Behave, respect and listen to your coach.
  4. Take care of your equipment and club property.
  5. Talk to the club Safeguarding Officer about any concerns or worries about yourself or others.
  6. Do not bully, intimidate or harass anyone, including on social media


The Coach

  1. Coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of each person and treat them equally.
  2. Coaches must place well-being & safety above all other considerations, including performance
  3. Coaches must ensure their activities are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of players.
  4. Coaches must always promote the positive aspects of the sport e.g. fair play, and never condone cheating.
  5. Coaches must consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance.
  6. Coaches must maintain their LTA Coach accreditation.
  7. Coaches will not tolerate inappropriate language, racket and / or ball abuse.


This Policy will be reviewed every two years (or earlier if there is a change in national legislation).

This Policy is recommended for approval by:

Club Committee Chair, Brian Hackwell – Date:  March 2020

Club Safeguarding Officer,  Janet Holmes – Date:  March 2020